Monday, September 7, 2009

Just Checking In

Today was pretty ordinary, starting to get over my loss. I miss them so. My best friends they were. My new cleaning products arn't too bad they are improving but will take them a wile to get to my ideal standard.
I had quiet a horrific shock today. I never thought to clean my  friut and vegetables! My celery was so dusty!!! The potatoes were the worst so I got out my detol and scrubed them till they were shining!
I have started my own garden where I'm growing my own Bam Jiff and Palmolive.
Beter go chek on it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Getting Better

Cleaning products have up'd their game. I think they have realised that they won't get used or get rewards if they don't do their job properly.
My new Bam is so far number one but Jiff is getting there...I can see that it is going to be a close race.
The police still havn't found my theif. They don't even seem to care apparently there are much bigger cases out there pffffft doubt it. Maybe I should give them a piece of my mind.
I need a jiff and tequila cocktail, talking about this is getting me all fired up.
tata for now.
For all of you with a cat I thnk you should watch this

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hmm so I will be able to live with my cleaning products, they don't make very good conversation like my old ones...tis quiet sad.
I should let them get used to my system of cleaning it does take some time.
I'm going to go  clean my inside my file cabinet in 5 so I'd better go have some breakfast, cornflakes with sugar and jiff YUM.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Finally today I have brought up the courage to go shopping for cleaning products. It was so hard, I must have cried every time I went to make a purchase. I got all my regulars and a few of my specialties but they are not the same as my old ones...they had character. These ones are boring, lifeless and don't have any kind of personality.
Who am I going to talk to now when I do the cleaning myself! I would look like a mad woman!
Couldn't do that to my reputation.
I'm going to go see if these will match my standards.