Monday, September 7, 2009

Just Checking In

Today was pretty ordinary, starting to get over my loss. I miss them so. My best friends they were. My new cleaning products arn't too bad they are improving but will take them a wile to get to my ideal standard.
I had quiet a horrific shock today. I never thought to clean my  friut and vegetables! My celery was so dusty!!! The potatoes were the worst so I got out my detol and scrubed them till they were shining!
I have started my own garden where I'm growing my own Bam Jiff and Palmolive.
Beter go chek on it!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Getting Better

Cleaning products have up'd their game. I think they have realised that they won't get used or get rewards if they don't do their job properly.
My new Bam is so far number one but Jiff is getting there...I can see that it is going to be a close race.
The police still havn't found my theif. They don't even seem to care apparently there are much bigger cases out there pffffft doubt it. Maybe I should give them a piece of my mind.
I need a jiff and tequila cocktail, talking about this is getting me all fired up.
tata for now.
For all of you with a cat I thnk you should watch this

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hmm so I will be able to live with my cleaning products, they don't make very good conversation like my old ones...tis quiet sad.
I should let them get used to my system of cleaning it does take some time.
I'm going to go  clean my inside my file cabinet in 5 so I'd better go have some breakfast, cornflakes with sugar and jiff YUM.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Finally today I have brought up the courage to go shopping for cleaning products. It was so hard, I must have cried every time I went to make a purchase. I got all my regulars and a few of my specialties but they are not the same as my old ones...they had character. These ones are boring, lifeless and don't have any kind of personality.
Who am I going to talk to now when I do the cleaning myself! I would look like a mad woman!
Couldn't do that to my reputation.
I'm going to go see if these will match my standards.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Still Depressed...

I've been wondering around my house with nothing to do...I'm to sad to go out and buy new cleaning products...I loved my old ones how can I replace them?
It's like trying to replace a person...It doesn't happen.
They were my babies. They made me happy and kept my house so clean.
So here I am...twiddling my dirty foul thumbs...yuck.
My goodness this keyboard is filthy! I'd better get off before I catch something.

desprite cry's for help

I was robbed.
My cleaning products are all gone.
Why would someone do this to me.
I'm worried theyll find out about my amazing self cleaning bottle that I invented.
I can  see why they stole my products, they're the best but I don't understand why it was me.
What am I going to do...
I'm lost.
I havn't cleaned all day.
The dirt is getting thicker and thicker I CANNOT TAKE IT

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Normal Day

Hi boys and girls
Today is rather average and normal.

General cleaning, very boring day as I did not have much to do.
I have, however, adopted a new habit of constantly washing my hands every half an hour. It's very hygienic habit and it doesn't do you any harm. I think more people should do this. You never know who has touched a door handle or a book! It's really quiet shocking and I cannot believe I wasn't doing it sooner! Makes me feel rather sick to be honest.
I have the sudden urge to clean the outside of my house..

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So so happy!!

I have had the best day!! I have found a store that specalises in cleaning products and give the bst tips on cleaning! Of course I already new pretty much all of the tips anway and ohmygosh I even gave them a few pointers and theyre adding them to their top 10!! These are deff my kind of people!!
Unfortuantly I have had any mail back yet about my super duper cleaning product I invented yesterday, I'm sure it'll blow their minds though - how could it not!
One of my dearest friend has the worst cleaning habbits..well lack of so I made a deal with her and once a week (on a Sunday because that is my quiet cleaning day) I will go around to her house and clean everything!! How fun is this!! My goodness!! I'll be like a child in a candy store.
Anyway I must dash my hands are feeling like they need a good scrubbin.


Ok so, I've had this idea that I could write letters to cleaning brands to tell them abou my..wait for very own cleaning product recipie!!
I've been writing down ideas all day and i have come up with the perfect concoction!! Obviously I'm not telling you ;), you'll blab!! But to be fair it is bloody brilliant. And wat is amazing, I invented a bottle that every hour it cleans itself by extracting small drops from the liquid inside the bottle to the outside and the liquid evaporates leaving the bottle clean without having to wipe it with an iky sponge or cloth. I told you its brialliant and the most clean product EVER. I was in such a high from my fabulous idea that I cleaned the house in my special cleaning clothes which havn't come out yet because I was reserving them for when the queen calls and asks me to clean her house but I thought what the hey! The whole house is literally sparkling!! I can see my reflection in my wooden table! 
This is true magic.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Just checking in

Hi guys
Today hasn't been so wonderful...I spilt half my cleaning products all over the floor and now I don't know what to do with myself. I'm just happy that the cleaning product room floor is clean.
It's weird how the floor is clean and I didn't do it on purpose. Very unusual day.
Hmm I'm in too weird a mood to talk.

Sunday, August 23, 2009


You will never guess what!! I have found a brand spanking new (and clean) cleaning product!!! It is call 'Cleanriffic'. Sounds perfect!!! I have yet to use it but I was so over excited by this I had to tell someone!
If anyone wants to purchase this product it is in your local supermarkets but is hiding and it is in a brown bottle. I'm not sure why you would use brown for the bottle colour as brown is the colour of dirt but I'm sure they have some kind of reason.
Must go clean my shoes

Saturday, August 22, 2009

clean clean clean

Today was a bit boring to be honest. My cleaning products are all organised, no one came and took over my house so as usualy everything was sparkling. I'm not too sure what else to do with myself. This hasnt happned in such a logn time I think I might go a little mental!
I've already cleaned the laundry room (that's Sundays room) twice, I actualy cleaned my cleaning products, which isn't a bad thing cause obviously the bottles get dirty too!
Oh my lord i saw just saw dust on the window!
must go!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


...and the dirt is gone!
My favorite cleaning product!
I wish I could show you my cleaning product room. It truly is magical. I have it all organized by product type ie bathroom cleaner, then I have it in alphabetical order and lastly I have it ordered  by importance. I love just sitting in the room and looking  at my beauties. It makes me proud.
The room is pure white...all over. All the shelves are glass and they get cleaned everyday, this is double fun for me as I get to re organize my products!

Heaven can't be better than this.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

holy moly!

You will never guess the day I have had! My younger sister brought over her smelly, dirty dog! He ran all over the house and dirtied everything!!! This has really set me back with my cleaning schedule...

Monday, August 17, 2009

The all important first entry

Hello World,

Shall we start with an introduction?
I am a clean person, not freak, person. Nothing wrong with this at all.
I enjoying shopping and visiting all places sterile. 
I also have a small obsession with chewing gum. 2 packs a day. Spearmint. Chewing gum leaves my teeth feeling clean and polished.
My spare time I clean. I have rostered my house so on Mondays I scrub the kitchen, Tuesdays the bathroom, Wednesday is my bedroom and so on and so on. But that doesn't stop me from doing fiddly things around the house... for the rest of the day...
I do not own any pets as they are dirty and make a mess, even fish.
I am not in a current relationship but am looking for that one, special, clean man to sweep me off my feet with my squeegee!
I guess this is long enough, time for me to clean the keyboard any how.
Tata for now.